Mohamed Lamine Abdelali، Vice Rector in Charge of Education, Diplomas and Continuous Training
Rank: Lecturer Class B
Internal Landline Number:170
External Landline Number:
Electronic Mail:

Vice-Rectorate’s Mission
The vice-rectorate’s tasks include the following.
1 - Following-up on issues related to the conduct of education and training.
2 - Ensuring that the training offers submitted by the departments fit the college’s development plan.
3 - Ensuring respect common regulations in registration, re-registration, knowledge monitoring, and sorting and re-sorting the students’ choices.
4 - Ensuring respect for regulations and delivery of certificates.
5 - Ensuring that students hold and greet the nominal card.
6 - Coordination with college’s pedagogical committees or the national committees.
7 - Ensuring the initial training for students of Teacher Education Colleges.
8 - Promoting continuous training activities, improving students’ level, and renewing knowledge for social and economic sectors in relation with the college’s study areas.
9 - Following-up the training in the preparatory section..
- Service of Education, Training, and Evaluation.
- Service of Continuous or Initial Training.
- Service of Diplomas.
Service of Education, Training, and Evaluation
Teacher Education College of Setif consists of several administrative structures in charge of its management. These structures include the Directorate for Studies, Continuous Training and Diplomas, which has three services, including Service of Education and Evaluation, which is currently in place.
This service has begun to exercise its administrative and pedagogical duties in 2015; it was named Department of Education and Evaluation at that time.
The Structure of the Service
The service consists of 03 assistants of the head of the service.
The Service’s Mission
- Students’ administrative registrations.- Final registrations for new applicants.- Delivery of study certificates.- Re-enrolling students at all levels.
- Administrative follow-up of students' files during their study course in the following cases.
- Suspending studies yearly.
- Transfer to other institutions and universities.
- Following-up expelled students.
- Disciplinary boards (such as cheating in examinations).
- Adjusting the lists of students expected to graduate, in coordination with the Certificates Service.
- Adjusting the final statistics in coordination with technical services.
